LDEI Legacy Awards Program

The Legacy Awards, supported by The Julia Child Foundation, were established in 2009 by Les Dames d’Escoffier International with one goal in mind: to provide targeted mentorship opportunities for professional women in the food, fine beverage, and hospitality industries. The Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts generously supports our Legacy Awards program. 

A Week with a Dame:  Each Legacy Award winner earns a weeklong experience working alongside our accomplished members of LDEI. The competition is open to professional women from the U.S., Mexico, U.K., Canada, and France who are not Dames but have a minimum of four years’ experience working in the culinary industry. Click here for guidelines for hosting an experience in 2021.

Each Legacy Award Winner Receives…

  • A Legacy Experience with an LDEI Chapter
  • Reimbursement for airfare, hotel (if needed), and other approved expenses
  • A trip to the LDEI Annual Conference to attend the Legacy Award Winners Luncheon. (Travel, hotel, and conference attendance will be reimbursed.)

For more information about the LDEI Legacy Awards Program, contact us at contact@ldeisd.org